Family Caregivers Deserve a Break

Are you a family caregiver in need of a break? A family caregiver is someone who takes care of a relative at home who has a disability or chronic medical condition. Providing around the clock care can take a till, both emotionally and financially. Take time for yourself so you can be a better family caregiver.

Taking care of yourself is one of the best ways to help your loved one. No matter how much you love the person you are caring for, you need regular breaks - know as respite - from family caregiving. Nebraska Lifespan Respite Network provides support and connects family caregivers to respite care that gives you time to re-energize physically, mentally and emotionally. Respite care not only benefits you, it also benefits the person you are caring for by making you a better caregiver.

How does respite work?

With respite we can help you find someone to come into your home and stay with your loved one while you have some time to rest without interruption, take a walk, visit friends or anything else you want or need to do. We can refer you to individuals who are respite providers already or we can work with someone you choose so they can be paid for providing respite. You can also use an agency such as a licensed child care provider or a long-term care facility. You can even use a community organization for respite. Choose the type of provider that works best for you.

How much does respite cost?

Most providers charge from $10.00 to $12.00 per hour. The providers are self-employed but do complete annual background checks and go through an online orientation. We know you are the best person to show your provider what needs done. There are many programs to pay respite providers and the one we typically utilize is the Lifespan Respite Subsidy Program. With this program you are authorized to pay a provider up to $125.00 per month for their time spent caring for your loved one. If additional funding is needed you could complete a second short application for an extra $1000.00 per year. If you are denied by the Lifespan Respite Subsidy Program, don't worry, we you can still utilize our grant-funded Respite Days Program.

To Apply For Respite:

  • Have your medical or mental health provider complete the Special Needs Documentation Form. It can be faxed in separate from the application or included with the application.
  • Check the income guidelines for the Lifespan Respite Subsidy Program. If you feel you would qualify, complete the Lifespan Respite Subsidy application entirely. Do not leave any items in section 1,2, or 3 blank and only skip sections 4,5, and 6 if the care recipient is on Medicaid. Section 7 is optional and section 8 is your signature. Section 9 should be the person who told you about respite. Click here to download the Respite Subsidy application. Print the completed form to mail with the required documentation.
  • Before mailing in your application, be sure to include copies of anything required in the instructions. This includes items such as a copy of your most recent 30 days of pay stubs, your most recent bank statements, etc.
  • You can mail your application to the address on the form or you can mail it to WCHR Respite, 300 Shelton St., Chadron, Ne 69337. The respite coordinator will upload all documents and inform the Lifespan Respite Subsidy Program staff the application is ready for review.
  • If you would like to apply for Exceptional Circumstances Funding, complete the additional application. Complete anything that pertains to your situation and leave blank anything that doesn't.
  • If you are not financially eligible for the Lifespan Respite Subsidy you can use our Respite Days Program / Payment Form. This program is specific to the 11 counties in the Panhandle. It is made possible through the Snow Redfern Foundation and the Friends of Alzheimer’s and Dementia as well as funding from the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services.
Connect With Us!
  • 866-RESPITE (737-7483)
  • 308-432-8190
  • Visit the Nebraska Respite Network Website at
  • "like" us on Facebook - Nebraska Lifespan Respite Network, Panhandle Partnership for Health and Human Services and Western Community Health Resources pages all share information on respite.